Recordings and Slides | Energy and Net Zero in the UK – 10th Oxford Energy Day | Programme included
The 10th Oxford Energy Day took place on Wednesday, 23 March 2022.
This year’s Oxford Energy Day looked at the long-term picture for Energy and Net Zero in the UK. The goal of net-carbon emissions is driven by the imperative of stabilising the climate. This requires that the UK energy system becomes zero-carbon, that is, fossil-free. Other major drivers of energy policy – security and affordability – are equally important for a just transition.
The day’s presentations and collaborations discussed the implications of this and considered how Oxford Energy research provides solutions and the evidence to inform policy and action to deliver a net-zero economy in the UK and beyond.
The recordings for the day are presented here in the order of the programme for the day and are listed in a playlist on the Oxford Energy YouTube channel.
- 10th Oxford Energy Day – Oxford Energy YouTube Channel Playlist – the day’s recordings.
- 10th OED Programme FINAL (10)
The speaker’s slides can be accessed below. The list is arranged in the same order as the recordings and programme.
9.00 – Morning Plenary Sessions
- 09.40 UK net zero plans Mike Thompson Committee on Climate Change
- 10.10 Oxfordshire’s plans – Pete Sudbury, Oxfordshire County Council – no slides available.
10.40 Headlines from key energy programmes in Oxford Energy
- 10.40 Integrate Project Energy Day Malcolm Mc Culloch
- 10.52 Energy and the post-carbon transition Cameron Hepburn Energy Day
- 11.04 Faraday Institution projects-Peter Bruce 2022
- 11.16 Future of Cooling Radhika Khosla Energy day 2022
- 11.28 CREDS Highlights presentation Nick Eyre
12.00 Parallel Sessions
- 12.10 Overview, policy including product regulation Tina Fawcett Building and energy use Seminar Rooms 1 and 2
- 12.25 Demand Reduction Marina Toupouzi Building and energy use Seminar Rooms 1 and 2
- 14.30 Local trials Sam Hampton Building and energy use Seminar Rooms 1 and 2
- 14.45 Barriers to residential solutions Gavin Killip Energy use in buildings Seminar Rooms 1 and 2
- 15.50 Infrastructure – Resiliant Cooling Jesus Lizana Energy uses in buildings Seminar Rooms 1 and 2
- 16.05 Digitalisation to enable changes in practice and energy reduction Charlie Wilson Energy use in buildings Seminar Rooms 1 and 2
- 12.10 Decarbonising Transport Siobhan Campbell DfT Energy and Transport Seminar Rooms 3 and 4
- 12.25 – People and travel Debbie Hopkins Energy and Transport Seminar Rooms 3 and 4
- 14.30 – Integration of e-mobility Katherine Collett Energy and Transport Seminar Rooms 3 and 4
- 14.45 – Policy for Inclusive EV Adoption Hannah Budnitz Energy and Transport Seminar Rooms 3 and 4
- 15.50 Heavy-duty vehicle power Luke Marion Energy and Transport Seminar Rooms 3 and 4
- 16.05 The decarbonisation of shipping (WIFD) Bill David Energy and Transport Seminar 3 and 4
- 12.10 Local networks Melanie Bryce SSE Energy networks, vectors and storage Lecture Theatre 1
- 12.25 Policy and regulations for smart local energy systems Tedd Mose – Energy networks, vectors and storage Lecture Theatre 1
- 14.30 Islam Energy Networks, storage and vectors Lecture Theatre 1
- 14.45 David Howey Energy networks, storage and vectors Lecture Theatre 1 – no slides available
- 1550 Large Scale Electricity Storage Llewellyn-Smith Energy networks, vectors and storage Lecture Theatre 1
- 1605 Hydrogen and carriers Vincent Energy networks, vectors and storage Lecture Theatre 1
- 12.10 Integrating renewables Outcomes Sarah Darby Renewable Generation Lecture Theatre 2
- 12.25 Tidal Energy Thomas Adcock Renewable Generation Lecture Theatre 2
- 14.30 Offshore Wind Byron Byrne Renewable Generation Lecture Theatre 2
- 14.45 Solar PV Henry Snaith Renewable Generation Lecture Theatre 2
- 15.50 Bioenergy and Land Use Alison Smith Renewable Generation Lecture Theatre 2 – no slides available
- 16.05 The new economics of energy system decarbonisation Sam Loni Renewable Generation Lecture Theatre 2
16.45 – Final Plenary Session
There were no presentations during this session.
ANNOUNCEMENT of the Zero Institute