
University of Oxford goes for net zero

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On 15th March 2021, Oxford University’s Council voted in favour of adopting an Environmental Sustainability Strategy to get the University to net zero carbon and biodiversity net gain by 2035.

Integrating Renewable Energy

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The Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy, Integrate, has delivered a deliberately multidisciplinary programme to examine these challenges and find potential solutions. Our approach looked beyond just the technology, to look at the whole energy system, bringing together people f...

Texas Power Crisis. Market or regulatory failures?

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Viewed as independent countries California and Texas would both rank among the ten largest economies in the world. One Democrat and the other Republican, the feature they now have in common is failure to prevent extensive and disruptive interruptions to power supply – California in 2001 and Tex...

Good Energy announces search for new CEO

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Good Energy, the 100% renewable electricity supplier, announced yesterday that Juliet Davenport OBE has decided to move on from her role as Chief Executive Officer and take up a Non-Executive Director position with the company as well as its subsidiary Zap-Map. Juliet will remain CEO of the compa...

Global Energy Demand. A McKinsey reference case

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Energy systems around the world are going through rapid transitions that affect many aspects of our lives. The continuation and acceleration of these shifts will bring important changes to the way we fuel our cars, heat our homes, and power our industries in the coming decades.

New green jobs to clean up the UK energy system

People installing solar panels

The UK government has set out plans to clean up the energy system, support up to 220,000 British jobs, and keep bills affordable as the transition to net zero by 2050 moves forward.


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