
Cooling for COP26 webinars

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In September and October, the programme will be hosting a webinar series leading up to COP26. The webinar series is motivated by the need for high-profile and broad-reaching conversations on tackling cooling as a system. We will cover each of the themes that link to the Programme’s framewo...

France to capitalise on ‘resounding success’ of green renovation

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EURACTIV France reports that the French government’s MaPrimeRenov’ scheme, which helps households make energy efficiency renovation of buildings is a “resounding success”, France’s ecological transition ministry said on Monday (19 July), hoping many more will apply to the scheme in 2021...

Energy, Emerging Technologies and Gender in Homes – Call for papers

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The special issue aims to improve understanding regarding the gendered diversity and effects in the development of, and experiences with, emerging technologies of relevance to energy in homes. The issue will provide critical advice for key stakeholders such as policy makers, regulators, planners,...


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