Decarbonising the power sector

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In October 2021 the Government set a target to decarbonise the power sector by 2035

In October 2021 the Government set a target to decarbonise the power sector by 2035, subject to security of supply. But demand for electricity is expected to increase significantly in that timeframe as other sectors, such as transport and heating in buildings, switch to electricity to reduce emissions.

Decarbonising in these circumstances will require the Government to manage a range of complex challenges, including ensuring the right mix of technologies, attracting investment in new generation energy, and modernising energy networks.

The Committee’s inquiry will include:

  • government’s vision for a decarbonised power sector
  • government’s understanding of what is required to achieve a resilient and decarbonised power sector
  • how government recognises and is managing risks to resilience and affordability in a decarbonised power sector.

If you have evidence on these issues please submit it here by Monday 13 March 2023.

Further details and to submit your evidence here.