
Evaluation in a time of emergency

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If the ‘climate emergency’ is to be taken seriously, there is a pressing urgency to make progress. But the fact remains that progress also needs to be measured and demonstrated – and there are many important lessons to learn. Doing such evaluation takes time, of course, so there is a tensio...

Global Alliance of Universities on Climate

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The Global Alliance of Universities on Climate (GAUC) is delighted to invite nominations for presentations at a special virtual event on ‘Pathways to net zero emissions and carbon/climate neutrality’, to be held on 29 and 30 June 2021.

Oxford paves the way to net-zero

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With COP26 taking place in Glasgow this November, the UK has a unique opportunity to demonstrate climate leadership on the global stage.

University of Oxford goes for net zero

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On 15th March 2021, Oxford University’s Council voted in favour of adopting an Environmental Sustainability Strategy to get the University to net zero carbon and biodiversity net gain by 2035.

Integrating Renewable Energy

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The Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy, Integrate, has delivered a deliberately multidisciplinary programme to examine these challenges and find potential solutions. Our approach looked beyond just the technology, to look at the whole energy system, bringing together people f...

Texas Power Crisis. Market or regulatory failures?

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Viewed as independent countries California and Texas would both rank among the ten largest economies in the world. One Democrat and the other Republican, the feature they now have in common is failure to prevent extensive and disruptive interruptions to power supply – California in 2001 and Tex...


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