
The Future of Nuclear Power in the UK

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Sixty leading experts from industry, academia and politics met in London in March 2015 on the invitation of the Director of Energy Research at the University of Oxford, Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith, to debate the future of nuclear power in the UK. In the light of cross-party consensus on t...

Climate change: what science and the IPCC report has to say

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One of the key objectives of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), completed in 2014, was to provide a comprehensive description of the science of climate change and options for adaptation and mitigation for negotiators preparing for the Paris Confer...

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Horizon 2020 Energy Slides

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Kerry Young and Helen Fairclough from EU Energy Focus presented valuable information on Horizon 2020 Energy calls and priorities.

Who should decide the evolution of the energy mix in a central buyer model?

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Will the future energy mix be decided by government or markets? Leading representatives from government, regulators, industry and academia debated the future of electricity markets as part of an Oxford Energy event at the House of Lords. An introduction by Professor Cameron Hepburn was followed b...