
NEWS: £27 shaved from annual home energy bills by renewables.

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… Could have been £140 with faster roll-out.    Britain’s wind and solar farms could help to reduce households’ energy bills by paying back almost £800m to consumers by the end of the winter after gas and electricity market prices rocketed above their set subsidy levels.

Tidal energy potential

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Stephen Wyatt, director of research and disruptive innovation at Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (ORE) has claimed that we could be in the “golden decade” for the tidal stream energy. He proposes that investment and subsidies could pave the way to the technology to become cost-effective, w...

Workshop on Energy System Flexibility

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Flexibility refers to the ability to use generation, storage and demand side resources making the most of computational intelligence distributed along the grid for balancing energy supply and demand. Increasing the energy system flexibility is key to ensure the reliable integration of larger shar...

Urban gardens are a dependable food source for pollinators through the year

By harnessing and directing the expertise of our 600-strong academic community, we develop practical, interdisciplinary solutions that both improve how we live in our world and enable us to face the challenges arising from our interactions with the environment.

Gardens in cities provide a long and continuous supply of energy-rich nectar from March to October, scientists at the University of Bristol have found.  Despite huge garden-to-garden variation in both the quantity and timing of nectar production, pollinators are guaranteed a reliable food supply...


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