
Innovative demand strategies for clean energy

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Charlie Wilson, Professor of Energy and Climate Change and Senior Research Fellow has contributed to a major new study discussing innovative strategies that significantly reduce both resource consumption and fossil fuel emissions.

Seven principles of place-based net zero policy for SMEs

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SMEs – businesses with up to 250 employees and turnover under £50m – are essential yet largely neglected actors in the UK’s energy transition. A new report co-authored by Dr Sam Hampton, Acting Energy Programme Deputy Lead at the ECI, sets out policy recommendations to transform SM...

Supporting the green energy transition

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Mengjiang Lin, Cooperative Award in Science and Engineering student, explains how her EPSRC ICASE project could improve energy storage materials to support the green energy transition.

£1.5 million invested to support growing UK battery developers

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Funding will be used to develop innovative battery manufacturing, demonstration, scale-up and recycling projects. Small and medium sized (SME) battery developers from across the UK are to benefit from £1.5 million in funding from the Faraday Battery Challenge (FBC), delivered by Innovate UK.


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