Past events

31 Oct

Reasons for optimism: ‘Grid Parity’ for renewable energy sources

Progress at decarbonisation will speed up. New or improved technologies now offer us cost-competitive routes to low carbon electricity, heat and transport fuel. Solar PV in sunny countries, onshore wind on coasts, biofuels from bacteria, heat from hot rocks and electricity from tidal lagoons are all capable of reducing our dependence on fossil fuels without increasing consumer bills. The critical remaining problem – storing excess energy [...]

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Seminar | Week 1
23 Oct

Webinar 3 – the 2015 Calls for Proposals for Smart Cities and Communities projects

The EU Energy Focus team will deliver a webinar series to highlight the forthcoming opportunities in Horizon 2020 Energy. In the webinars we will cover the following topics: Webinar 1 – the 2015 Calls for Proposals for Low Carbon Energy projects including renewable electricity, renewable heat, smart grids and energy storage Webinar 2 – the 2015 Calls for Proposals for Energy Efficiency projects Webinar 3 [...]

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14 Oct

Can Future Energy Needs be Met Sustainably?

The introductory lecture to the Energy Colloquium, Michaelmas term 2014, was given by Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith, Director of Energy Research at the University of Oxford. In order to allow everyone on the planet to lead decent lives, global energy use will have to increase substantially. The need can be met with fossil fuels for the foreseeable future, but this [...]

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Seminar | Week 1