
Nuclear Power: the Climate Change Saviour?

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How emerging nuclear technologies could solve our energy crisis - brought to you by the University of Oxford's Doctoral Training Centre.

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About this event
Many countries around the world committed to decarbonisation targets at the COP26 summit. However, there needs to be a dramatic shift in how electricity is generated to phase out coal and other fossil fuels. One potential solution is nuclear technology, from existing fission technology that can be scaled up, to exciting new methods of power generation. Scaling up fission encompasses economic considerations, waste disposal issues, and security concerns, yet the nuclear industry’s target is to provide 25% of the global energy supply by 2050. Equally, other developing technologies aspire to handle fission’s weaknesses or provide world-changing alternatives.

This seminar will aim to educate by bringing together speakers from nuclear policy, and leaders in nuclear technology and communication to discuss these important issues and new opportunities in the nuclear industry. The format will be as a panel discussion, where moderators will pose a number of questions about these areas before opening up to questions from the audience. The seminar will be held in a hybrid/in-person format, where speakers will ideally be in person and the zoom webinar Q&A feature could be used to collect questions from online participants.

This seminar is delighted to welcome an expert panel of speakers whose careers span an impressive cross-section of the nuclear industry. Our speakers comprise a CEO and entrepreneur who is committed to solving nuclear waste longevity; a Chief Technology Officer who is driven to develop new fission technologies while supporting the defence industry; and a Royal Academy of Engineering Fellow who is dedicated to radioactive monitoring and surveillance and is an expert in the evaluation of nuclear accidents.


  • Thomas Davis, Co-founder, Oxford Sigma
  • Franklin Servan-Schreiber, Co-Founder, Transmutex
  • Peter Martin, Expert in Radiation, University of Bristol

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When: Tuesday 17th May 2022 (17:30-18:30)

Zoom: Attendees are welcome to join online; joining details will be emailed 4 days before the event.

Location: Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, England, OX1 3RB

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