Call for

POST’s Parliamentary Academic Fellowship Scheme – Directed Call

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UK Parliament The UK Parliament has two Houses that work on behalf of UK citizens to check and challenge the work of Government, make and shape effective laws, and debate/make decisions on the big issues of the day.

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) Parliamentary Academic Fellowship Scheme is open for applications Monday 31 January 2022 – Sunday 13 March 2022.

The Scheme provides a unique opportunity for researchers to learn about how research feeds into practice and the challenges faced by decision-makers, as well as increasing opportunities for researchers from all disciplines to engage and connect with people in UK Parliament. If you are looking for development, interested in a new challenge, or searching for more ways to share expertise and undertake knowledge exchange – at any stage of your career – this could be for you.

What is the Parliamentary Academic Fellowship Scheme?
This Scheme gives university-based researchers and staff working in knowledge exchange the opportunity to participate in a fellowship project with an office in Parliament. These fellowship projects have been proposed by a team at Parliament as a project on which academic input is needed. Projects might involve bringing expertise into parliamentary teams, informing parliamentary scrutiny, analysing and evaluating parliamentary practices, or helping to grow Parliament’s academic networks.

The Knowledge Exchange Unit (KEU) in the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) runs the Parliamentary Academic Fellowship Scheme.

There are currently 13 fellowship projects open for applications.

Read more here

Register for an introductory webinar 9th February here.  It will be delivered by the UK Parliament’s Knowledge Exchange Unit.

The session will be recorded and available to watch on the UK Parliament website afterwards.