OPEN Leaders: Now accepting expressions of interest

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Oxford Policy Engagement Network (OPEN)

Does your department or faculty’s research have the potential to influence policy and help make the world better?

The Oxford Policy Engagement Network (OPEN) Steering Group is calling for Expressions of Interest (EoI) from researchers and professional services staff at the University of Oxford who would like to become OPEN Leaders, helping to foster an inclusive, supportive culture of policy engagement.

Awards of up to £8,000 are available to support OPEN Leaders in carrying out activities that will enable one or more departments or faculties to:

  • deepen understanding of how researchers can contribute to policymaking, and develop skills to do this effectively
  • broaden and deepen relevant networks, creating and developing more opportunities for engagement
  • and/or improve the policymaking community’s access to the best available research evidence and expertise.

The scheme has enabled previous OPEN Leaders – for some of whom it has been their first award – to develop leadership skills, to support their colleagues, and to spearhead activities of strategic benefit to their departments and more widely.

If you’re considering applying but would like guidance to develop your EoI, please get in touch with our team.

Deadline: 16th November 2023

Read more here.