OE Seminar recording – Week 8: Homeowner motivation, knowledge and involvement in domestic energy retrofit
Summary: Retrofit of domestic buildings will be crucial to deliver more affordable heating and meet climate goals. In recent Oxford Energy Network seminars, various speakers have explored skills, challenges in the supply chain and financing mechanisms. In this seminar, I will focus more on the people living in their homes – their motivations, knowledge, involvement, and how these shape their retrofit journeys.
Speaker: Yekatherina Bobrova is a Research Associate in Energy Demand Reduction Policy. She joined the ECI in 2021 to undertake research in projects under the overall theme of ‘Demand/ supply policy asymmetry’ in the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS). Yekatherina holds a PhD in Social Science and System Dynamics from University College London (2020), which focused on the demand side of the sustainable energy transition in the UK owner-occupied housing stock.
You will find the recording and slides for this event here.