CREDS Project Amplify

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A research centre looking at how reductions in energy demand can support the transition to a net-zero society.

The CREDS programme would like to let you know about the recently launched CREDS Amplify Project.  Amplify is a confidential website that enables all of us who work in energy research to share stories of our experiences of workplace bullying and harassment. It is an opportunity for us to take an honest look at our working environment and to learn from it. We hope that by sharing experiences we can support one another, highlight the issues of workplace bullying and use these anecdotes going forward to reflect on the changes we would like to see.

We would like your support with this project. Please can you:

  • Consider submitting any experiences and stories that you have had around bullying and harassment. These can be thoughts, reflections and experiences, even just a few lines, which you can submit anonymously, through the site. We are also encouraging the sharing of positive interactions and kind words that may have helped you in times of pressure.
  • Share this email with your colleagues and ask them to submit their stories.
  • Put it in your newsletters, on your websites and social media channels.

Project Amplify was launched during National Anti-Bullying and Harassment week in November, as part of our CREDS spotlight on equality, diversity and inclusion. The spotlight included 2 webinars. The first was ‘Inclusive leadership and positive cultures’ and featured voices from both within and outside of energy research to discuss the promotion of healthy working cultures which we at CREDS consider is vital to allow people to contribute their best work. The second was ‘Diverse Voices: Fitting in and standing out’ about how science and research thrive when different backgrounds and experiences are brought into the mix and we heard about some personal experiences of working and building careers in this area from colleagues from different backgrounds.

Once a story has been submitted via the site it will be sent to our EDI manager who will make sure that it is anonymous and will remove any identifying text. To reassure you, we cannot identify the sender of these stories unless you decide to provide your contact details. At no time will the stories be linked with their sender and we will not hold any personal information that could link the story to the person submitting it. The story will then appear on the Amplify website.

Visit to share your story and read other people’s stories.

You can continue to submit stories until 31st January 2022.

After January, CREDS will use the stories to build up a picture of the existing culture and try to learn some lessons. These insights will inform our conversations with the energy research community, our institutions and our funders with the aim of improving the situation with regard to workplace bullying and looking at ways to tackle EDI.