New green jobs to clean up the UK energy system

People installing solar panels
New green jobs in the energy transition

The UK government has set out plans to clean up the energy system, support up to 220,000 British jobs, and keep bills affordable as the transition to net zero by 2050 moves forward.

Building on the Prime Minister’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, the Energy White Paper sets out specific steps the government will take over the next decade to cut emissions from industry, transport, and buildings by 230 million metric tonnes – equivalent to taking 7.5 million petrol cars off the road permanently – while supporting hundreds of thousands of new green jobs.

Affordability will be at the heart of the UK’s decisive shift away from fossil fuels by boosting competition in the energy retail market and by providing at least £6.7 billion in support to the fuel poor and most vulnerable over the next 6 years.  Read more about Fuel and Poverty in the Energy transition.

Read the full Goernment press release