
How to Mitigate Climate Change: Insights from Oxford’s authors of the latest IPCC WG3 report

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From international cooperation to social dynamics: insights from Oxford's authors of the latest IPCC WG3 report

From international cooperation to social dynamics: insights from Oxford’s authors of the latest IPCC WG3 report

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About this event
“We are at a crossroads. The decisions we make now can secure a liveable future. We have the tools and know-how required to limit warming” – IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee

Building on the work of the IPCC’s first two working groups (WG1 and WG2), which laid out both the scientific basis for climate change and its impacts, this third major report from IPCC’s Working Group III “provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions”.

How has the evidence shifted since the previous IPCC report regarding limiting warming to 1.5°C? How on close are we from the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement, and how are the outcomes from COP26 shaping up? What are the strongest options for climate-compatible development, and how might this latest IPCC report influence or accelerate transitions?

In this third event in OCRN’s series of IPCC AR6 events, we are delighted to be hosting a panel of IPCC authors from Oxford and beyond to address those questions, and more. This is an opportunity to learn about the latest information that will form the foundation of climate developments over the coming years, directly from those most closely involved in synthesising the state of the field.


  • Lavanya Rajamani, Professor of International Environmental Law at the Oxford University Law Faculty: AR6 WG3 Coordinating Lead Author Ch.14 International cooperation
  • Nick Eyre, Professor of Energy and Climate Policy at the Oxford University Environmental Change Institute: AR6 WG3 Review Editor Ch.5 Demand, services and social aspects of mitigation
  • Navroz Dubash, Professor at India’s Centre for Policy Research: AR6 WG3 Coordinating Lead Author Ch.13 National and sub-national policies and institutions
  • Charlie Wilson, Professor of Energy and Climate Change at the Oxford University Environmental Change Institute AR6 WG3 Contributing Author Ch.5 Demand, services and social aspects of mitigation

Venue: Levine Auditorium, Trinity College, Oxford University

Time: 12:30 Tea, coffee, and biscuits will be served.  Event begins at 13:00

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