How do we balance energy demand with our need to reach NetZero?

This week’s gas price rises and the resulting CO2 shortage affecting the food and medical industries have really exposed the interdependencies and interactions that exist across our economy — and the implications of our ‘just in time’ supply chains.

A frozen gas pipeline. Image: Leonid Ikan. Getty images.
Several factors have converged. Increased global demand for gas, global gas shortages, low levels of wind leading to lower electricity production from renewables this year and a drop in imported electricity due to cable damage all happening at once have had serious implications for our energy supply, and knock-on consequences for our food production and medical industries.
This is exactly why a major component of the UK’s research strategy is centred around whole systems research, alongside research into energy generation and storage solutions. The outcomes of that research will be critical to informing how we improve the resilience of our energy system and supply chains as we work towards Net Zero.