Consultation: Onshore Wind Policy Statement | Scottish Government

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The Scottish Government (Scottish Gaelic: Riaghaltas na h-Alba) is the devolved government of Scotland, formed in 1999 as the Scottish Executive following the 1997 referendum on Scottish devolution.

Onshore wind is a proven cheap and reliable source of electricity generation and Scotland’s resource and commitment have seen us lead the way in onshore wind deployment and support across the UK.

It is clear that onshore wind will be vital in our progress towards Scotland’s legally-binding net zero targets. We believe that Scotland’s net zero commitment presents the perfect opportunity to revisit and reassess our original Onshore Wind Policy Statement that was published in 2017.

This consultation will consider how the Scottish Government can strengthen its support for Onshore Wind deployment in Scotland, specifically consulting on our ambition for an additional 8-12 Gigawatts to be installed by 2030, how to tackle the barriers to deployment, and how to secure maximum economic benefit from these development.

Why your views matter
The aim of the consultation is to obtain the views of as many organisations, groups and individuals as possible and to help inform and shape Scottish Government policy for onshore wind.

We welcome and would encourage all stakeholders to participate in this consultation as doing so will help us ensure that the final policy statement provides an ambitious, strong and stable framework for onshore wind development in Scotland.

Consultation closes 22 January 2022

Read the consultation paper here

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