WORKSHOP: Catalogue of Projects on Energy Data – CoPED

EnergyREV is part of the Prospering from the Energy Revolution programme, a UK Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund programme.

This workshop aims to be the first step in building a community around CoPED, identifying what can bring value to its members and help develop a community-owned product.

Here is the link to register.


The EnergyREV, BEIS and ESC “Catalogue of Projects on Energy Data – CoPED“ project has received additional funding to continue developing its online portal. We are holding a workshop on Thursday 14th October to present the development of the platform to date and its key features.

The Catalogue of Projects on Energy Data (CoPED) project aims to unify various information stores and existing portals for energy projects metadata under a single extendible umbrella that will significantly aid UK energy stakeholders by providing insights into the existing project’s landscape.

As a platform, CoPED goes beyond a database, as it seeks to connect individuals and institutions in the energy sector to showcase projects, facilitate collaboration and offer a forum to engage. Energy stakeholders will be able to add, update, and share energy projects and interests to the CoPED data portal. Whilst a wide range of visual aids, query tools and metrics enable users to synthesize information across the energy projects landscape at a given time.

We are hoping that policymakers, industry representatives, academics, and energy service operators will attend our workshop on Thursday 14th of October at 15:00-16:00.  At this workshop, we will update you on the progress of the platform’s development and showcase features. There will be an opportunity for you to share your thoughts about the platform features to improve our understanding of your requirements and aspirations.