Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire) – How are Local Networks Enabling the Energy Transition?
Melanie Bryce
- Start  Tuesday 16 Jun 2020 5:00pm
- Finish Tuesday 16 Jun 2020 7:00pm
- Venue Online
- Download event slides - PDF (14.95 MB)

Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire) is helping Oxfordshire to accelerate towards net zero. Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) is proud to be the lead partner on LEO and to be supporting Oxfordshire, the first county to declare a climate emergency, to deliver its net zero ambitions. The project is trialling the matching of renewable generation and demand at a local level, with the trials based around three key themes; technology, local markets and community. The holistic nature of LEO means it will seek to facilitate challenges as broad as; the move away from domestic gas heating, the increase in electric vehicle (EV)uptake, the possibilities for battery storage at the grid edge, and the development of an ethical framework informed by the concepts of ‘Smart and Fair’ to secure SSEN’s commitment to leave no-one behind in the transition to net zero.
Melanie Bryce is the Oxfordshire Programme Director at Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), and also the lead on Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire). As a Chartered Engineer, Mel has spent her entire career in the energy industryspanning roles from Asset Management to Investment and Regulation. A lifelong passion for the energy industry has led to working on Project LEO, themost wide ranging trial of flexibility on the distribution network undertaken to date. Previous projects have included running the installation programme for Primary Substation Works across the Asset Management Portfolio, and advising on the replacement profile for subsea cables. Mel has a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Birmingham.