Onshore CO2 storage in the UK: What’s the current state of knowledge?

Tom Kettlety (Department of Earth Sciences)

  • Start  Wednesday 11 Oct 2023 2:00pm
  • Finish    Wednesday 11 Oct 2023 4:00pm
  • Venue  Weston Library
  • Postcode OX1 3BG

Permanent CO2 storage is an integral part of reaching net zero and meeting the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. The UK has committed to develop CO2 storage in geological reservoirs deep underground, but so far has focussed on doing so offshore. Onshore storage might well prove useful, however, especially for sources of emissions that are dispersed and far from the coast.

CSOX is a research project by Oxford Net Zero (ONZ) that is investigating the current state of knowledge on the capacity of onshore reservoirs, looking at risks, costs, legal and regulatory barriers and social licence. In this webinar, ONZ fellow Tom Kettlety will be joined by other experts to discuss the key findings and emerging issues in this area.

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