Net Zero is coming home. What we can do as college, communities and citizens

Dr Phil Grunewald, Supernumerary Research Fellow and Tutor in Engineering Science, AJ Hudson, DPhil Student in Geography and the Environment, Thomas O’Callaghan Brown, MSc Student in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management

  • Start  Thursday 23 May 2024 5:15pm
  • Finish    Thursday 23 May 2024 6:15pm
  • Venue  Oriel College
  • Postcode OX1 4EW

The Oriel Environmental Group’s Trinity talk, will be given by Dr Phil Grünewald, Supernumerary Research Fellow and Tutor in Engineering Science; AJ Hudson, Current DPhil Student in Geography and the Environment, and Thomas O’Callaghan Brown, MSc Student in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management. They will be speaking on “Net Zero is coming home. What we can do as college, communities and citizens”.


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