‘Just’ Energy Infrastructure for the Climate Common Good’ FORUM

  • Start  Tuesday 05 Dec 2023 12:00pm
  • Finish    Tuesday 05 Dec 2023 3:40pm

The University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour, the TREE Research Centre (Energy and Environmental Transitions), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France), the Maison Française d’Oxford and the Institute of European and Comparative Law (University of Oxford) are convening for the ‘Just’ Energy Infrastructure for the Climate Common Good: a Comparative International Analysis Forum.

The Forum event launches the first dialogue of an ambitious research and policy programme on international investment in energy infrastructure from the perspective of justice as society moves to a low-carbon economy. Faced with an internationally shared, albeit diverse, critical need for infrastructure to enable the energy-climate transition, how can investments be directed into energy infrastructure towards the climate common good?