Are we making progress on climate change?

Professor David Victor

  • Start  Monday 19 Jun 2023 5:00pm
  • Finish    Monday 19 Jun 2023 6:15pm
  • Venue  Ashmolean Museum
  • Postcode OX1 2PH
Professor David Victor - Professor of Innovation and Public Policy, UC San Diego

ECI Energy programme researchers are organising an international symposium on technology and global change bringing 30 leading research scholars to Oxford for a day and a half of talks and discussions on 19-20 June.

The symposium is also linked to a forthcoming special issue of Environmental Research Letters.

Connected to the symposium, IPCC Lead Author, Prof David Victor from UC San Diego, will be giving a public lecture at 5pm on Monday 19 June in the Ashmolean Museum with the title “Are we stopping climate change?”. All welcome, register for online or in person.