A win-win for everyone? Demand-side flexibility and people’s activities

Reviewed by

Jose Luis Ramirez-Mendiola, CREDS Researcher, University of Reading and Oxford. Read the full review.

Portrait of Jacob Torriti
Jacopo Torriti is Professor of Energy Economics and Policy in the School of the Built Environment, University of Reading

Review by Jose-Luis Ramirez Mendiola

Flexibility of electricity demand is often seen as critical for balancing the grid when consumption is high and when there are drops in supply from renewables. The benefits of demand side flexibility include improving balancing with renewables; reducing the costs of electricity generation; and making the most of smart systems and battery storage. But is flexibility a win-win for everyone, including end-users? In this talk, Jacopo Torriti seeks to address this question by presenting an investigation of people’s activities and how these underpin peaks and drops in demand.


Jacopo Torriti is Professor of Energy Economics and Policy in the School of the Built Environment, University of Reading. He is a Co-Director of the Centre for Research into Energy DemandSolutions (CREDS), a member of Ofgem Academic Advisory Panel and Defra Economics Advisory Panel. He is Principal Investigator of projects funded by EPSRC on Residential Electricity Demand: Peaks, Sequences of Activities and Markov chains (REDPEAK) and Distributional Effects of Dynamic Pricing forResponsive Electricity Demand (DEEPRED).